Lead, and released pheasants

I have written about this topic before, and over the past year there have been important developments, and not only is the  (late lamented) EU likely to introduce bans on lead shot being used in wetlands, the time must be approaching when there is enough momentum to have a total ban in the UK of the use of lead in shot and bullets. And The 40,000,000 or more peasants being released into the wild, to cause road accidents,  get shot, or mostly disappear, must surely be halted, or at the very least, imports banned — a nice open gateway for another birdflu’ or even a coronavirus. The last outbreak of birdflu when we ere all supposed to keep our chickens in doors, was at first blamed on migratory birds, but of course it was later found to have been imported with turkeys. Surely time for all imports of birds to have individual health checks, and be held in quarantine — it has happened in the past, and the recent way  we were all locked down, just shows what can be done (and with little regard for the economic consequences).

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